So last night I went to a Christmas party hosted for and by my knitting friends and the lovely store where we gather. Yes, that’s right, I’m a knitter, and lately, I’ve even learned to crochet, so one could argue that I’m a hooker now as well. The party was …


During this process I’ve rediscovered some journals that I’ve kept over the years. It’s been cringe-inducing to read the rants and musings of my 20-something self, but also insightful and at times, hysterical. I hope to use some of these ancient missives in this blog and this was one of …


One of the laments I hear amongst the newly sober is that they are concerned about losing part of their “identity” by becoming a  non-drinker. Drinking is just part of who they are, they say. Oh, I get it, I do. If you’d have asked me a few years ago …

Um, I’m not really sure what’s happening here but if memory serves Ben was attempting to dress a pumpkin up to look like me.  He and I adored Halloween and would celebrate all month long.  I imagine his conundrum here was how he was going to carve it’s mouth into …


I bought a new purse today at lunch.  Just a basic hippie-boho-looking-faux-leather-every day bag. Salesgirl:  I unpacked these purses yesterday, they are so cool. Me:  I love it!  I especially like this little semi-hidden pocket.  I can smuggle in contraband! Salesgirl:  Contraband? Me:  Yeah,  you know…like little bottles of booze and …